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Harmonize Sri Lanka
Harmonize Sri Lanka
About Us
Regional Economic Development Agency (REDA) is the public private partnership service window of the Central Provincial Council. It assists the public and private sectors to effectively implement regional development initiatives in the Central Province and elsewhere in the country. The doors of the REDA are open for both private and public sectors to obtain relevant services in improving their businesses and services delivering mechanisms.
The Central Province is not second to any of the provinces in the country as far as the human, physical and environment resources are concerned. In spite of the rich resource base, the public sector together with the private sector still could contribute only around eight percent to the Gross Domestic Production of the country. Analyses show that a number of hindering factors has lead to create this disadvantage situation. Therefore, it is necessary to take some dynamic remedies to clear these factors, if one expects a remarkable positive change in the economy of the Central Province

Harmonize Sri Lanka

Harmonize Sri Lanka
Contact us
No.109, Yatinuwara Street, Kandy
Phone : 0812232465 Fax : 0812232465